
What’s a Screw Conveyor? What’s a Screw Feeder?

What’s a Screw Conveyor?

Screw conveyor systems are frequently used in the automotive industry to unload materials from cars, bins, hoppers or piles. They are used in grain storage plants, chemical plants, cereal processing and feed mills.

A screw conveyor will move your material from one point to another. It can be used in various applications and positions and moves material from other conveyors, airlocks, bucket elevators and more. The screw conveyor can be placed vertically, horizontally or at an incline. It can also cool or heat materials and mix materials during the transfer.

The Benefits of Screw Conveyors

  • Screw conveyors are flexible and can move product horizontally, vertically, or at an incline.
  • They can effectively speed up bulk handling and automatically transport product.
  • Screw conveyors can handle mixing, cooling and heating of material whilst in transit.
  • Screw conveyors can transport sluggish or semi-liquid materials. They can also transport complex or irregular material if the central pipe is taken out.
  • Screw conveyors can come with drop bottoms and self-cleaning capabilities for easy maintenance.
  • Screw conveyors can have several inlets and discharge points to service multiple locations within the plant.
  • They can be designed to work with your plant layout and make effective use of space

What’s a Screw Feeder?

A screw feeder is used to control how much product moves through your system and dispensed at any given time. This makes it ideal for metering or packing product in specific quantities. The feeder is usually mounted at the base of a bin or hopper and controls the flow.

The screw feeder doesn’t move material over a distance. It simply feeds material into the following mechanism at a calculated rate. It adjusts the speed at which material flows into the system according to your processes.

Post time: Apr-30-2024