
Stackers, Reclaimers and cost-effective combined machines

Stackers, Reclaimers and cost-effective combined machines


Perfect technology for covered or outdoor circular and longitudinal storage
Which stackers, reclaimers and combined machines are installed depends on the functions and requirements of the respective application. For each type of stockpile and function there is a particular method of stacking, reclaiming and blending to be applied. Stackers and Reclaimers are offered for handling capacities of between 100 t/h and more than 5,000 t/h.

Covered storage systems are available for up to 800,000 t or 1,000,000 mᵌ in a single building. Outdoor stockpiles are only limited in size by the length of the area available. Stockpiles can be as wide as 65m or more. Machines can be supplied for circular or longitudinal storage according to project related preferences.

Post time: Apr-08-2024