
Boiler Ash Conveyor System Waste-to-Energy Power Plant

Waste-to-Energy Boilers and
Waste Incinerators

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a combina-
tion of residential, commercial, and industrial
refuse. Historically, the typical means of dis-
posal of this refuse has been landfilling. A novel
approach in recovering the energy from this
“resource” in boilers for electricity generation
and minimizing the landfill requirements began
in the 1960s in Europe. It became apparent
from these early European boilers that corro-
sion of the boiler tube materials was a major
obstacle for operating these so-called waste-
to-energy (WTE) boilers (Ref 1, 2). Managing
the corrosion problems continues to be a big
challenge for operators of modern boilers
worldwide. This chapter focuses on the corrosion
issues related to boilers burning municipal solid

Post time: Jun-13-2024